Friday, October 14, 2005

Lesson 7 - Getting Around

Let's say you want to fly out of JFK to Scheremetyevo airport in Moscow, then take the train to Vladivostok, stopping to drive through the countryside both by car and by horseback. Or maybe you enjoy boat cruises and would love to go down the Volga river! In trying to put all of this into words, you realize that you need to use some new expressions. Here are some examples:

Exercise 7.1

1. Туристы летают в Мексико-Сити из Нью-Йорка _________________________ .
Tourists travel from New York to Mexico City (by plane).

2. Люди ездят на работу _______________________ в Атланте.
People go to work in Atlanta (by bus).

3. Поездка в Европу _____________________ 3 месяца.
The journey to Europe (by boat) is 3 months long.

4. Мы ходим _____________________ к бабушке.
We walk (by foot) to Grandma's house.

5. Я поеду к врачу ____________________ завтра.
I will drive (by car) to the doctor's office tomorrow.

6. Они катались со спуска горы ____________________ .
They went down the side of the mountain by (on skis).

Exercise 7.2

1. Дорога идет ________________ берега.
The road goes (alongside) the shoreline.

2. Где находится магазин? Он ___________________ .
Where is the store located? It's (around the corner).

3. Кафе _______________ с метро.
The cafe is (next to) the subway.

4. Я вас видел вчера. ______________ вы шли?
I saw you yesterday. (Where) were you going?

5. Никак не мог найти мою ручку. ________ она?
I can't find my pen. (Where) is it?

Exercise 7.3 (fill in the blanks by translating the words in brackets)

1. Your roommate leaves for a weekend retreat in the mountains, and you say (see you soon):___________________________

2. After you have dropped your kids off at the grandparents' house, you tell them (see you later):___________________________________

3. Your late afternoon meeting began at 3:30, but you arrive (late) at 3:45: ______________

4. You hope that you find those keys (soon): _____________________

5. The concert started at 8 p.m. and you arrived exactly at 8 p.m. You were (on time): ____________________

6. You check your e-mail (every day):________________________

Numbers 11-20











(end consonants with an apostrophe (') after it is 'soft' )

Final words: That concludes our lesson 7. I have all the material we've covered today on Don't forget to do the excersizes - we'll check them next time we meet.

Oh, and here are the lyrics of the song (you can always view them on your you are listening to this lesson, click 3 times)

Черный кот
Музыка Ю.Саульского. Слова М.Танича

Жил да был черный кот за углом,
И кота ненавидел весь дом.
Только песня совсем не о том,
Как не ладили люди с котом.

Говорят, не повезет,
Если черный кот дорогу перейдет,
А пока - наоборот:
Только черному коту и не везет.

Целый день во дворе суета:
Прогоняют с дороги кота,
Только песня совсем не о том,
Как охотился двор за котом.

Даже с кошкой своей за версту
Приходилось встречаться коту,
Только песня совсем не о том,
Как мурлыкала кошка с котом.

Бедный кот от усов до хвоста
Был черней, чем сама чернота,
Да и песенка, в общем, о том,
Как обидно быть черным котом.


Scott in Washington said...


Я очень люблю ваш podcast. Я слушал каждый эпизод. Я слушаю их, во время как я бегу (я обучаюсь для марафона).

Спасибо за регистрацию лирики песни. Я слушал песню черную кота сегодня вечером! Так или иначе, спасибо за вашу трудную работу.

Scott Dennis

Anonymous said...

Дорогие Наталие,

Big thanks to you for the excellent "Spoonful of Russian".

I had been a year at МГУ, a long while ago, doing a 'stage' and your Podcasts as well as your blog got me back to reminiscing about those days...

Prior to that, I had spent 5 years living near Audubon Park, so Katrina and the pain it brought to New Orleans were hurtful for me too.

Please keep up the good work; I wish you and your family all best in your endeavours and a safe and early return home.

С благодарностью и уважением,


Anonymous said...

Great job Natalia!

I have been trying to teach my boyfriend Russian, and this could be very helpful. Your Podcasts are great since you start right from the basics and increase the complexity as you go along.

Keep up the good work.


P.S. If possible, it would be helpful if the images/flash cards posted on the website had descriptive file names (so that I would not need to rename them after saving on my mac for future reference).

Natalia said...

Без проблем, Ирина!

Anonymous said...

Hi Natalia,
"at the end of" is stressed on the last syllable (when you pronounce it), but in the transliteration it appears stressed on the first syllable. I bet the first case is correct?

Natalia said...

Christina, you are absolutely right. The stress is on the last syllable (unless you are from Moscow...LOL). Thank you for catching that:)

Vlada Yegórova said...

ochen klasniy blog:)
ya vlyublena v etu pesnu , katoraya poet Жанна Агузарова!!!