The Russian Cursive files are now compatible with iPhone!
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also, you may need to 'unsubscribe' and 're-subscribe' to the podcast for the changes to take effect. Feedburner might need a few hours to refresh their data as well.....
Dear Natalia, Many thanks for this interesting and helpful blog which I found when I was looking for Birtday wishes to one of my clients. In my youth I learned Russian 10 years, but unfortunately I forgot the most. Only the ability to read the cyrillic remained. Best regards and spasibo, Thomas
I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.
Awful news, I thought we had got ride of the Russian threat back in the cold war, turns out your now trying to take over the world by distracting us with your language while you plot to take our men away from us. Cant you just go back to the USSR or whatever you come from and get Russian men ?
If you don't mind me asking, why did you stop posting lessons? I have just begun listening to your podcast, but I am greatly interested in learning more.
я хотел бы знать зачем вы не делаете подкасты еще? я его любил
Nice blog!
Best regards
Hmmm.. That's a great news I think.
Андрей: this course is enough to whet ones far as not producing more episodes - i have several different reasons:)
можно мне скажит? мне просто интерестно.
Dear Natalia,
Many thanks for this interesting and helpful blog which I found when I was looking for Birtday wishes to one of my clients. In my youth I learned Russian 10 years, but unfortunately I forgot the most. Only the ability to read the cyrillic remained.
Best regards and spasibo,
I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.
I'm eager for more lessons!
thanks for this blog , i know your website, it is great, soon i will get my russian program and learn
I also teach Russian! What a nice blog!
I love your blogs and podcasts. I hope you continue the great work1
Great to hear this one, now I can finally tune in to your site. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! It's a great news!
Awful news, I thought we had got ride of the Russian threat back in the cold war, turns out your now trying to take over the world by distracting us with your language while you plot to take our men away from us. Cant you just go back to the USSR or whatever you come from and get Russian men ?
Sorry, Anonymous:
I already got my man and am not interested in getting another one, Russian, American or any other:)
If you don't mind me asking, why did you stop posting lessons? I have just begun listening to your podcast, but I am greatly interested in learning more.
the answer is a few comments above:)
weww.. nice blog.. speak in rusia..
nice lesson
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